
Orthopedic / Musculoskeletal Assessment

This assessment is an in depth 60 minute evaluation of the patient. The assessment according to injury covers full medical history, postural, neuro motor assessment, palpation of the injury site, Range of motion testing/stability testing, strength/proprioception testing, special injury specific testing.

This is used to gain insight into how best to treat each and every patient as an individual and to individualise treatment according to scientific assessment.

One on One rehabilitation coaching

Once the assessment has revealed the best means of treatment, a rehabilitation program will be individualized according to the patient’s needs, strengths and weaknesses, in order to achieve the best and fastest possible rehab outcome. Each session is conducted one on one with specific focus on correct technique and exercise form in order to achieve maximum activation of the desired muscle groups.

Chronic Disease Management

No matter one’s age or state of health, every individual can experience several physical / psychological and emotional benefits from regular correctly administered exercise. In some cases, exercise has been shown to control and even reverse certain diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes/Hypertension and various chronic pain related conditions. Some patients experience increased mobility and decreased perceived pain after only one or two sessions.

Pre-rehabilitation and Rehabilitation

When one has been for, or needs to go for an operation eg. hip/knee replacement, arthroscopy on the knee or shoulder, biokinetics exercise can assist in fast recovery to pre-injury functionality.

When one expects an operation is imminent pre-rehab will strengthen the stability structures and musculature in order to fast track post surgery recovery.

Sport Specific Performance Optimisation

We strive to assist any professional and aspiring athletes to achieve performance excellence in their sporting code.

Sports Specific Assessment includes firstly identifying testing criteria relevant to the sport before completing a comprehensive assessment of these parameters in order to optimise training.

Testing Parameters:

  • Personality / general temperament
  • Co-ordination
  • Cardiovascular capacity
  • Core and one rep maximum strength
  • Power Testing
  • Reaction time and agility
  • Body composition and body fat percentage
  • Muscular endurance
  • Range of movement and flexibility

Once a comprehensive athletic profile is composed, individual scientifically designed training can begin to optimise for specific outcomes.

Biokinetics and Pregnancy

Both pre- and post-natal exercise is beneficial during pregnancy and is an area of speciality within Biokinetics. Maintaining regular physical activity during pregnancy has been shown to maintain health and wellbeing of mom and baby. Exercise has also been shown to decrease certain common discomforts during pregnancy such as excessive fatigue and body and back ache. Exercise has also been shown to lower risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension. When managed well, exercise is possible throughout pregnancy, provided you receive the correct education on safety and progression.

Biokinetics and the Elderly

As one ages, certain physical parameters decline and it becomes increasingly important to exercise to maintain functional capacity and quality of life through activities of daily living. Fall prevention also becomes a major part of exercise used to prevent injury and degeneration with age.  One can still improve cardiovascular functioning / musculoskeletal strength and endurance with age, in order to enjoy maximum quality and functionality in life.

Biokinetics and Children

Biokinetics can aid in the neuro motor development of children throughout various stages of development.

Biokinetics in children aids them in reaching various developmental goals and milestones as well as training and rehab on various postural and postural awareness related conditions such as Scoliosis and Khyphosis of the spine. Various disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy and Autism can be treated from a young age in order to correct low muscle tone and postural issues on these populations.

Exercise at a young age should be fun and seen as play rather than as a task and in this way from a young age postural awareness and various fixed postural issues can be avoided and corrected at a young age.

Groups and Rehab Classes

Walk For Life:

Aimed at getting people moving. All welcome from fit to beginner, we will walk a set distance in the fresh morning air. Walking interspersed with body weight exercises and finishing with stretching. Intensity dependant on the group.


A studio based class in which every exercise involves the exercise ball. Full body conditioning / legs / arms / core / proprioception. All on the ball. Intensity dependant on the group.

Bosu / Balance Ball Class:

Studio based class in which the full body / legs / arms / core / proprioception is conducted on the bosu ball. Intensity dependant on the group.

These classes will be weekend based until demand grows, they will be 45 – 60 minute and include a variety of cardio / resistance and stretching activity at more affordable prices.

Online Coaching / Rehab Exercise

With the growing trend of online training, we offer online advice and exercise prescriptions for both rehabilitation and performance optimisation. This focuses on common injuries such as lower back pain, Rotator Cuff and shoulder pain, core strength and functional training.

Body Fat Assessment

We work closely with various fitness athlete groups with the IFBB and WBFF, doing body composition and body fat assessment for athletes competing competitively on stage.